
Favorite Parenting Books

Your Self-Confident Baby by Magda Gerber - This book is a compassionate, easy to read guide to respectful caregiving, and also serves as a great introduction to RIE.

Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason by Alfie Kohn - A brain-expanding book that really breaks down and makes clear the reasons for a shift away from rewards and punishments.

The Happy Sleeper: The Science-Backed Guide to Helping Your Baby Get a Good Night's Sleep-Newborn to School Age by Julie Wright and Heather Turgeon - While there’s no one-size-fits all advice for infant and toddler sleep, this book offers a framework that I find compassionate to caregivers and respectful to children.

No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Tina Payne Bryson and Daniel J. Siegel - This is an excellent introduction to developmentally-sound, respectful, and neuroscience based ways of thinking about discipline.

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish - This classic-for-a-reason guide to communicating with and truly hearing children offers practical and acessible advice.

Peaceful Parents, Happy Siblings by Dr. Laura Markham - This is my favorite book for young siblings, the guidance begins before the younger sibling is even born. I found it reassuring and very helpful when I was newly a parent of two.

Note - I’m linking to my Bookshop storefront, and I receive a commission from anything you purchase there. Feel free to purchase these books wherever you prefer!

Online Resources

RIE - The central hub for information about the RIE®️ (Resources for Infant Educarers) philosophy, founded by Magda Gerber.

Janet Lansbury - Short, easy to digest articles and podcasts on parenting and RIE®️ .

Yummy Toddler Food - An excellent, anti-diet resource for family meal and snack ideas.

Teacher Tom's Blog - Teacher Tom is an early childhood educator based in Seattle, and his blog is a great resource for information on play, preschool, and social relationships between young children.

Activities, Events, and Resources

Ready, Set, Grow - Yoga and movement classes for families.

Tender Evolution - Wonderful resource for childbirth education and yoga classes- including prenatal and postpartum yoga series.

Beech Street Parenting - Excellent parenting education, coaching, and play groups in NE Portland, Oregon.

Key Lactation - Warm, connected, extremely supportive feeding support (Krystal helped me begin my feeding journey with both of my kiddos).

Bloom Occupational Therapy - Respectful-parenting aligned infant and and toddler OT, also offers workshops and support groups for parents of neurodivergent kiddos.

OPT For Mama - Virtual PT and OT for pregnancy, postpartum, and infants.

Whole Circle Pediatric Therapy - Child-centered, compassionate OT, speech therapy, and more in Portland.

Book Babies - Story times for young children at Multnomah County Public Libraries.

Laurel Johnson Consulting - Parent coaching and playgroups in Portland, Oregon.

OutGrown (formerly Hike It, Baby) - Resources, guides, and community connections for getting outside with children.

Tabor Space - My favorite place in town for children’s music!

Counseling Resources

Baby Blues Connection - A resource for those experiencing postpartum depression and/or anxiety. Offers local meetups, online support, and a text/call helpline.

Rose and Fern Counseling - Psychologist Sarah Nelson specializes in perinatal mental health, life transitions, and parenthood.

Postpartum Support International - Online support groups, a helpline, and other resources for those trying to conceive, pregnant, or postpartum.